My Mission

My deepest desire is to assist humanity in understanding its true power in living a more authentic life aligned with universal principles and in healing from thousands of years of karma, dogma, violence, ignorance, guilt and shame.

It is my mission to help to help all of humanity realize their potential as truly sovereign beings. To help everyone trust the intuitive wisdom that lies within each of us. With great compassion and empathy for each individual’s unique healing journey, I offer an open and safe healing space for any and all to take the next step on their healing journey

My Story

For as long as I can remember I have struggled with having a short attention span and an overactive imagination. It has lead to many difficulties in adult life including anxiety, stress and depression. It has also given me a unique perspective and an open mind that has allowed me insights I would have never otherwise gained. Such is the way of duality. For most of my life I had few healthy coping mechanisms for my issues, but when I was in my mid-twenties I began to meditate on a regular basis and this helped me begin to clear my mind and take control of it like I never had before. That was the beginning of a journey that in 2017 lead me to a very special person who showed me what Reiki was and what it could do for me, and more amazingly, that I was a natural at both receiving and channeling this energy.


I became officially attuned to Reiki shortly after that and learned the three levels necessary to become a Reiki Master through my amazing teacher Paulette O’Rourke. This picture was taken of the two of us the day I completed my training. From there I began to heal myself on levels I didn’t even realize were broken. As I healed myself, I began to heal my friends and family as well and saw the amazing and transformative effects it had on them and their lives. This propelled me to start my own healing practice and expand my clientele into the public domain and show others how this amazing healing modality can be. Reiki and Crystal Energy Healing allow people to transform their lives and their bodies to heal. I implore you to consider taking your first or next step in your healing journey with me and what new doors may open for you as a result.